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Results Legends March meeting

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2010 11:27 am
by wixwacing
Slotcar Legends met at the ‘EGGDOME for their march round and for the first official round of the Classic Mustang Challenge. Poor weather for a couple of weeks now was expected to take its toll of racers wanting to make the long haul up to the Sunshine coast but how wrong could you be!!!! The ever resourceful racers of the Legends and Q32 groups pooled their resources and combined transport to make the pilgrimage to the Mecca of slothavens at Buderim. Good news for Justin too as he was then able to polish off a six pack of Bundy and coke before the racing got under way (I still reckon it’s a dear way to buy Coke!) but I fear this was to be reflected in his on track performances!!


Racing was started around the 4.00 pm mark with no less than eighteen…. You heard me right! Eighteen racers for this home track based group of slot ne’er-do-wells. With bench space almost at a premium, we spent an hour or so bench racing and displaying our new toys. Some of the wiser element amongst us took the opportunity to put in some constructive track time to make sure their dead certs were going to be dead certs, others chilled out in the humid ambience and concerned themselves with other things slot related.


I did a tour of the race boxes and caught up with some of the owners. Norm’s Ferrari D50 was well finished with a set of BRM front wheels and tyres all round sporting MJK Ninco Classics and he opted for a motor change to the Ninco NC8. Inside was another 12 grams in total of extra weight and he assured me it was handling like a dream! Norm had also taken the time to add a bit more detail to the model, finishing the panel seams with a black fine fibre tip. A very nicely presented car and possibly a contender?? That was yet to be seen.


Moving along, Glen was showing off his very attractive white with blue Pioneer Mustang ‘notch back’ recently purchased from the iLOL slot shop at the Gold Coast. Pioneer have made a fabulous job of this range of Mustangs and there were going to be a few on the track for the last event of the evening, no mistake. But in pride of place this night was a beautiful Fly Porsche GT1 ‘Blue Coral’ from the nineties. Check out the picture and weep!


Last box visited on this occasion was top gun Paul’s box. Paul has always been innovative with his models and he was the man who brought us the Ferrari 375 driver with the long scarf trailing behind in the Historic GP series some while back. This time he had added flames to his Ferrari 156’s exhausts for effect!! I’m not sure what we will see from him next but the flames were all most people were going to see of him on the track!. One model that won’t get the sculptors knife though will be the excellent Fly Lola T70 ‘Jever’ that Glen had secured for him!


So, racing it was to be and the first class up was the popular Historic GP (up to ’62) class. There were always going to be a whole bunch of Cartrix Merc 196’s and we weren’t disappointed. But there were also some new items. One being the new Cartrix Ferrari D50. Norm had spent good time putting the finishing touches to his as we were allowed to mess with the tyres and weight. Other models were Ferrari 156’s, a Scaley Vanwall or two and some Maserati 250 F’s, all nicely turned out and set to do the business.


The host made a recommendation for this race and it was introduced. We were going to race this class in REVERSE direction, well, with the reaction of some you could be excused thinking that maybe we were going to race blindfold, but the decision had been made and that was how it was going to be. It wasn’t long before the consequences were manifested. Off the line for heat one saw at least one model hit the end barrier and disappear over the fencing to the floor. I don’t think even a vertical gravel trap would have stopped that one!


Heat four was called and the Eggmeister was due to race. I would be lying if I said the Eggmeister struggled along with the rest. I suspect, and it was voiced, that Egg had probably spent every evening of the last week practicing this direction Mmmmmmmmmm? Sucked in or what!. No matter, the fact that he won his heat by a country mile was neither here nor there. My suspicions were further aroused when more north coast names appeared at the top of the results??? Mmmmmmmm?! But the rest of the field were having fun and there were a lot of heats to get through, so the quicker everybody was, the better.


For those who are familiar with this track, visualise the squeezed overpass. This is a tricky job at the best of times, but to see four open wheelers drive onto it at the same time is quite spectacular. Some cars achieving new heights in recoverable marshalling spots! But once the field had spread out, racing settled down into some sort of order. It was about this time I coined the new slogan for the Eggdome, “It’s a bugger backwards!” Also during this class one of the contestants from the western suburbs expressed a mild dislike for the class and the direction it was going! And we weren’t to hear the last of him! And I’m not sure if Bob was being dryly cynical but I did hear him say it was a great class!


Eventually all eighteen heats were run and the computer, as ever, told us who was great and who wasn’t.

Race 1		Historic GP			15 laps

Position		Gp B			Driver
1.						Eggy
2.			1.			Peter S.
3.						John
4.						Norm
5.			2.			Garry
6.						Perro
7.						Phil
8.						Paul
9.			3.			Greig
10.						Kev
11.						Chris
12.			4.			Ken
13.			5.			Peter J
14.						Justin
15.						Al
16.			6.			Moby
17.			7.			Bob
18.			8.			Rhys


Next up was the Set Class. Because of their close performance on board, Slotcar Legends has combined the Aussie V8’s with the NASCARS; this makes for some good racing! There were a lot of SCX models on the grid, a couple of Scaley’s showed up and Paul chose to drive a Carrera Model. They are quick and come with their own ballast built in, being well over a hundred grams out of the box. Practice was feverish and my story started with my model blowing the lane fuse. My SCX car had previously won quite convincingly at the last Graceville meeting and had now decided not to perform!! Further testing showed it to have an internal short somewhere. Eggy kindly loaned me one of his models and I quickly changed the rear axles as his was illegal.


The pace was on right from the start with 6.3’s being the time to beat. My model was very skittish in the corners and I spent most of my first heat just staying on, which cost me dearly in time lost. Meanwhile. Paul was hacking through the field with his Carrera. This race was run in the normal direction but I’m sure there were some who still thought we were running backwards. Newcomer Rhys had solved one of his model handling problems by adding weight to his car until it wasn’t far off the weight of two. But, he was definitely driving better, which is what it is about!


The local boys were setting the pace and it was going to be a good drive to break their strangle hold of the event. Eggy had set a 6.1 sec fastest lap and between heats I had managed to disperse fifteen grams of weight around the inside of Eggy’s model. My next heat saw the car blast off the line and proceed to dominate. By shear fluke I had got the bits in the right spot. I clipped some hundredths of Eggy’s time and carried on to the end of the race. The final lap saw me put Eggy’s model round the Eggdome in a sub six second time!


I felt for Justin, a six pack further on and his V8 was hit with all sorts of vibration problems. Nothing seemed to cure it and he was falling back in the ratings. His next heat saw him shoot off with the front markers and he was enjoying a fair deal of luck when he drove into Moby’s hand, who was marshalling another car at the time. This caused some internal parts of the model to dislodge and woe upon woe, he was back in the dog house!


Racing continued at a scorching pace and there were some good duels amongst the racers. Peter J performed exceptionally well for a group B driver with a borrowed car. In some races, the first three cars crossed the line within seconds of each other. I must admit that it was going to be hard to pick the winner but in the end Paul had managed to pull out a four second gap on me over the heats and he took the class honours.


Race 2		Premier Sedans		20 laps

1.						Paul
2.						Phil
3.						Perro
4.						Eggy
5.						Norm
6.			1.			Peter S
7.						Chris
8.			2.			Ken
9.			3.			Gary
10.			4.			Peter J
11.			5.			Greig
12.						John
13.			6.			Bob
14.						Justin
15.						Kev
16.						Al
17.			7.			Moby
18.			8.			Rhys


Last up was the Trophy Class. This time it is for Classic Mustangs 1964 to 1973 with 18,000 rpm motors and tyres up to 9.0 mm. wide. All other Legends guidelines applied. I had a pair of verniers on the start line. I don’t often scrutineer but as there was room for unintentional oversight I thought I might just keep the buggers honest.


As expected, the pace was hot and Scaley and Pioneer alike where showing how it should be done. Al had a reworked Carrera with an MJK chassis which was also earning him points and some of the others struggled a bit with out of the box models. Heat two had a dramatic start when one racer managed to plant his model against the end wall of the start straight showering shiny bits around, but shiny bits were being recovered after almost every heat anyway.


Controversy struck once again when a start line scrutiny showed one driver to be racing with 9.50 mm tyres in direct conflict with the guide lines. Most of the guys wanted a lynching but the angry mob was quelled and the racer got to race that heat on the proviso he attended to his discrepancy in the break. Sorry, I can’t mention any names, I feel he suffered enough by that time of night, and I expect the Bundy had run out! Eggy was practising telekinesis in one event. While he had one hand on the stereo and conversed with backseat racers, he accumulated four deslotted cars on his corner. Mmmmmmmm!


I had a Justin moment when I got stuck behind Kenny in my still to be sorted Mustang, lap after lap. I’d make several moves on him and each time he’d knock me off! Eventually I did pass him but in a rush of blood I sped round the last turn and deslotted as I gunned it down the main straight. Moby managed to send the scenery flying in his haste and another model ended up in need. Whilst all this was going on I got reslotted after everything else………… and Kenny had passed me again!!! As I always maintain, its not the other drivers you’ve got to beat…… it’s the marshalls!! But Moby was to receive his reward. During one of the later heats somebody lost a screw. It firmly lodged in red lane’s slot and every time Moby (who was on red lane) came round the corner, he drove straight on as the screw deflected him, several times! Frantic manoeuvring by the corner marshalls was to no avail until a small screwdriver came to hand. The screw was removed, the cars finished and for Moby, the race was over!


So that was the first round of the Classic Mustang Challenge, and it bodes well for future rounds. Still quite a few models to be sorted (including mine!) and it will be interesting to see how things pan out over the next few rounds as fresh mods and tuning kick in with some of the guys. I might make mine fifty grams heavier to make it ‘Kenny’ proof!!


Race 3	Classic  Mustang Challenge  	23 laps

1.			1.		Peter S		10’ 32.970”
2.					Eggy			10’ 35.704”
3.					Paul			10’ 47.562”
4.					Norm
5.					Kev
6.					John
7.					Chris
8.					Perro
9.			2.		Gary
10.			3.		Ken
11.					Phil
12.			4.		Greig
13.					Justin
14.					Al
15.			5.		Peter J
16.			6.		Bob
17.			7.		Moby
18.			8.		Rhys


An absolutely superb race night with a group of guys you’d take home to meet your mum! On top of it all we had a pizza break halfway through the second class, and later in the evening, Eggy’s wife Kim supplied us with some of the best cakes I have tasted in a long while. Many thanks to her for the time she spends catering. It’s about this spot I usually ask if anyone that wants to come racing to pm or email me, but at the rate we are going we will need to hold racing over a weekend!!! Seriously tough, if you would like to attend a Q32 or a Slotcar Legends race meeting, don’t hesitate to give us a call and we’ll take it from there.

Once again, many thanks to Egg ands Kim for inviting us into their home to race.

Re: Results Legends March meeting

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 7:03 am
by Eggmeister

Yet another great race report. How you do it I do not know. Probabbly because like goon boy I am on my fifth rum when we start the second classes.

However in fairness to the Sunny Boys we are willing to accept that there may, and I say may in the smallest sense. Advantage in running the opposite direction. I will point out however that it didn't help one of the team who has now be severed and is looking for sponsorship.

Great night. Thanks for coming up everyone.



Re: Results Legends March meeting

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 12:23 pm
by Perro
Phil you have upped the ante when it comes to race reports. This is the new bench mark for others to follow when it comes to informative and entertaining writing. The new segment that covers "What's new in your box" is great. It really adds to the club atmosphere of a race night and brings out a little of the characters who were there. I hope it becomes a regular part of your write ups.

The reverse direction idea that Egg threw in at the last moment certainly caught a few of the lads out and did cause a stir. But it's not the 1st time a reverse direction race has been tabled. It has happened a few times at Bob's and Graceville it's just that it was the 1st time we have done it at the Eggdome. Lesson learned and racers beware! Maybe next time the boys might be a little happier with a bit of fore warning in the email and a bit more practice time. But as I have always said and especially to you guys "Bring it on bitches".

It was great to see so many turn up too. Greig and Chris traveled quite a distance to get to Egg's so well done guys and thanks for turning up. It was also good to see the 2 junior members of the Sunny Boys getting up there and stamping their authority on the track. Especially the big noisy one who's performances of late have been less than impressive. He came close to being offered up for trade with one of the other local groups. We even considered a trade with a HAM radio group interested in his communication skills but fortunately for him he delivered on track for a change and his junior position within the group is safe,............................for now. Now lets see him string last weeks success back to back away from home. See you all at John's.
